
icon 2021-07-15 15:44:37
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  Allied has provided moving services for many young Beijing drifters. There are some moving into Beijing, while some are moving out of Beijing, from one district to another in Beijing due to improvement of their financial status. All the moving scenarios are representative. The following are some typical moving scenarios of Beijing drifters:


  Many young Beijing drifters relocate to Beijing with high career aspirations, and to earn a better living. Without sound arrangements beforehand, however, many of them move in haste and then find their new living environments are not satisfactory.


  While young Beijing drifters can earn a higher income in Beijing than in most other cities in China, they may not be able to save much after considering the higher daily expenses and basic necessities. Due to this, many may consider to returning to their hometown after experiencing hardships in Beijing.


  Often, Beijing drifters are seen moving from one district to another within the city. They may want to live close to their workplaces, or rent a unit with lower rental or better environment.


  Here are some recommendations by our Allied moving services teams for young Beijing drifters when planning a move:

  尽可能地考虑周全,做好准备,努力避免匆匆搬家的情况。如果北京正好有亲戚,可以请亲戚帮忙先租下离他们相对近且价位又合适的房子。本地人对环境相对更加熟悉,选择也相对更多。确定好新家地址可以随时搬入后再搬,不然可能会出现家具和行李无处安置的情况 。万一出现这样的情况,不用担心,Allied也提供仓储服务可以为您解忧。

  Weigh the pros and cons of moving, make preparations and avoid a hasty move. If you happen to have a relative living in Beijing, ask him/her to assist in renting a unit, which is relatively close to where his/her place and a rental rate of which is reasonable. Locals know surroundings better and would be able to offer suitable choices. You should start planning for a move after confirming with the landlord on when you can move in, otherwise there may be no space for furniture and luggage. In situation where you are not able to store your furniture or bulky items at your new home immediately, Allied offers storage services, where you will be able to store your personal items in the interim of your house move.


  Shortlist an area to live based on commuting time and suitability of the environment first; after the area is determined, compare several units and choose the more cost-effective ones; and get relevant information with your landlords, such as water, electricity and gas meter readings and prices, etc. Consider all these aspects thoroughly to avoid having to move again in a short period of time.


  Make a career plan and set your goals. Plan career goals that are aligned to your pace and ability rather than trying to follow the pace of your peers. Without proper planning, you will find yourself wasting more time and costs.


  Choose a moving day on week days or during off-peak hours as possible as you can to save moving time and improve efficiency.


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  1.   采用先进科技

  1.   业务遍布全球,最大的搬家网络

  1.   国内位于北京、成都、大连、广州上海、沈阳和深圳等办事处




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