新作丨儒可墨可轩: 清代民居的历史焕新

icon 2022-08-12 14:40:15
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  The protection and restoration of traditional buildings is the same-frequency oscillation of material civilization and spiritual world at the time point. For the modern reconstruction of traditional dwellings, continuation and abandonment can of course be carried out at the same time, but the exploration of the coexistence of human and nature, the changeable inheritance of living habits, and the arousing of rich dialogues at the spiritual level are what Confucianism and Mokexuan thought. Important topic for ongoing discussion.


  The project is located in Wujiawan, Xixi Wetland. Considering the integration of the buildings, the design is to retain the basic features of the original buildings and drive the internal transformation with modern functional considerations.


  Walking House


  The main structure of the building was carried from the Hui-style houses in Qingyang County, Chizhou, Anhui Province in the mid-Qing Dynasty. During the design process, we chose to use modern spatial expression to deconstruct and reshape this traditional house with a history of more than 200 years. The fusion process of localization gives it a unique field atmosphere.


  The new building as a whole takes the enclosed structure of traditional houses as the main body and the wooden structure as the main frame. The entrance adopts the architectural style of traditional Chinese mansions. The moisturization brought by dark wood is supplemented by white walls. While strengthening the building structure, it forms a strong contrast with the dark wood structure. At the same time, the local culture gene into it.


  The architectural pattern is centered on an environmentally friendly square patio on all sides, and a water feature is introduced in the center, echoing the auspicious meaning of "four waters return to the hall" in Huizhou architecture and the Chinese traditional action concept of "moving with the times" according to phenological changes, connecting nature to interior space.


  The open layout fully introduces skylight and provides soft natural illumination for the dark-toned interior structure. At the same time, several small windows are added on the left and right gables to enhance the transparency and breathing in the middle of the room.


  Counteract Border


  The tea room on the first floor adopts a huge glass curtain wall, which dissolves the outdoor natural field and the indoor shadowy boundary, expresses the fusion relationship between the building and the surrounding wetland environment from the perspective of "unbounded", and connects the two fields of the interior and exterior scenes. area. People in the scenery are also scenery, and experience the moisturizing of history in the mist of Xixi wetlands.


  The intuitive system of the second floor space reflects the splendor of the wooden structure of the building. The huge caisson above the roof and the nested frame structure elevate the overall longitudinal spatial experience of the building.


  Due to the limitation of the height of the building, the lower height settings are chosen for the windows opened on the gables and face widths of the space on the second floor. At the same time, the visual range is widened horizontally, so that the experiencer can enjoy the tea and enjoyment while establishing a relationship with the outside world. A resonant experience that fits the context.


  Space Odyssey


  The brand manager has rich knowledge and unique aesthetic taste, which endows the space creation of Ru Ke Mo Ke Xuan with a vivid personality. Due to the seal collection in the space, the entire wall was designed as multiple independent niches for display during construction, running through the entire longitudinal space.


  On the second floor, several independent tea drinking areas and display areas are also set up. Combined with traditional elements such as tea, printing, calligraphy, and painting, the scene is scattered throughout the space.


  The overall space deliberately avoids the standard moving line design, and runs through the entire space with the concept of blank space. In the multiple dimensions of plane and vertical, it participates in the growth process of the building with the concept of openness and freedom, which further enriches the overall concept of the entire building.




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